Expression of Interest for Workshop Working Groups

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The conference comprises a workshop, aimed at formulating the future challenges and research priorities, organised on October 26. Three parallel working groups (WGs) are proposed, namely:

  • High dimensional neural coding;
  • From Artificial Intelligence to Neuroscience, and Back;
  • Combining macro and micro neuroimaging approaches.

The WG abstracts are available HERE.

Use the form below to indicate the working group you wish to join, by October 3 2016. Note that you can modify your choice on the day of the workshop, this poll is aimed at seeing the participation tendencies only, in order to assist the Programme Committee in calibrating the WGs and refining the workshop programme.

Participant Information
Expression of Interest
Use this field to express your comments and suggestions on the current abstracts, especially about the WG you intend to join. Moreover if you wish to propose an additional WG, do not hesitate to let us know.