Conference Programme

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Update (Oct. 17 2016): The full programme and schedule is available HERE.

The programme of the conference features:

  • A 2-day meeting aimed at presenting research advances (October 24-25). Information sessions presenting the European and US landscapes (facilities, related funding opportunities), complete the programme of the main meeting
  • A workshop aimed at formulating the future challenges and research priorities in the domain of computational neuroscience (October 26)

The abstracts (and when available the slides/PDF copy of the poster) of the presentations and workshop working groups are available HERE.

October 24
Duclaux Lecture Theatre
October 25
Duclaux Lecture Theatre
October 26
F. Jacob Auditorium
08:30 Breakfast and registration
Breakfast and registration
Breakfast and registration
09:00 Welcome and introduction
Talks (12' + 3' Q&A)
Keynote lecture (50' + 10' Q&A)
09:30 Keynote lecture (50' + 10' Q&A)
10:00 Info - Funding opportunities
Working group sessions
10:30 Info - Initiative in Europe/US
Coffee break
11:00 Coffee break
Keynote lecture (50' + 10' Q&A)
Coffee break
11:30 Talks (12' + 3' Q&A) Working group sessions
Talks (12' + 3' Q&A)
12:30 Lunch break
Poster session I
Lunch break
Lunch break
13:30 Keynote lecture (50' + 10' Q&A)
14:00 Report on working groups
14:30 Talks (12' + 3' Q&A)
Talks (12' + 3' Q&A)
Coffee break
Closing remarks
15:30 Talks (12' + 3' Q&A)
End of day 3
16:00 Info - Initiative in Europe/US

16:30 Coffe break
17:00 Talks (12' + 3' Q&A)
Transfer to NeuroSpin facility
Poster session II
Visit of NeuroSpin (see here)
20:00 End of day 1
End of day 2